For All Levels
Live Near Oakhurst?!
We are Built Like A Boxer—lean, confident, and fit. But our fight isn’t in the ring. Our battle is to be driven by greatness every day. Crack the bag, hit the ropes, and slam the med balls—doing exactly what champions have done for decades!
BLAB was established to bring a different and more effective program to the community. Our #1 job is to get results. We do this without selling fear. No bait and switch money grabs. No paid friendships…
If you feel overwhelmed, we have your back. Come find the strength you lost sight of.
Since 1998, our team has worked with countless individuals to achieve their personal goals. Know you are in the best hands, practicing the best methods, and achieving unquestionable results!
Answers To Commonly Questions
YES! Your 1st Group Session is Always FREE
No experience needed! All levels of skill and fitness are welcome
Sneakers & Gym Clothes you can easily move in are best.
Boxing gloves and hand wraps for bag classes, water, and a towel. If you do not have gloves or wraps, we have loners and gear for purchase along with water and food.
Instructor lead training sessions that run for 45 min. that will challenge your personal limits. We are a supportive environment! Voice any concerns and let us know if you are struggling!
We recommend 2 to 3 sessions a week to see consistent results. We also highly value daily activity beyond B Lab.
Yes, you need to register for sessions through the BLAB App. You will be assigned a station along with confirming your start time.